Monday, April 6, 2009

"Automatic Eyes" The Academy Is...


Every few months or weeks or so I find myself refreshing my love for certain bands. It's cool to rediscover the same feelings you had towards a certain song or album from a band. Today I only listened to the Academy Is... and even though I still feel like crap I feel someone balanced. But then again I hven't been thrown off balance for a few weeks now.

No notes yet. I haven't been writing. I will not till my cold medicine kicks in. But I have a feeling if I start writing the Sunday Drive concert I won't work as hard to get there.

What's also refreshing is whenever I check my story stats. I didn't think I'd ever reach a point like this. "Last Place" is nearing 5000 views and 218 reviews (Wow!) and "Perfect Kisses" had jsut passed 1000 views and getting up there. With my lack there of updates before last weekend some days I only got like 4 views and the highest were around like 30 or so. I don't even remember how many reviews the original "Perfect Kisses" got, but I'm thinking around 80. But now there aren't any 0's in most of my stories except for reviews in my two earlier ones. The stories I care about have surpassed any expectations.

I reread my stories a lot, and even though this rewrite of "Perfect Kisses" needs tons of work if I ever want it published or want to think about it getting published, I can see my writing has improved so much. Thanks to FanFiction. And thanks to all my readers.

I was thinking about today and how my life has set me up for this in a way I didn't think possible. All last year left me looking for something to hold onto. I found that in The Academy Is... and from there I was inspired to pick up my writing again and come up with these stories. Where I can see that maybe I'll be able to do this for a living. Unless I die of this cold which feels possible right now.

My dream is to sleep in a van and play music every night. That probably won't happen because I might not be talented enough and I might not have the chances offered to me. But I could easly substitute being a musician with being a writer. The two may sound so different ut it' shocking how versital they are. Musicians say everything they hear influences their music. I say everything I read influenced my writing. Musicians say they are letting out their emotions and beings (at least the real talented ones). I say writing lets out anything inside of me and lets me feel like myself.

I don't know if this makes sense to anyone. But this website FanFiction, I almost never looked at it had I not seen people posting their own stories on it, has given me more than I have ever imagined.

But my back hurts and I better get my half hour of writing done now.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

haha, you're so ... not me. lmao. after awhile of listening to the same music, its gets old and it just becomes another file in my music folder. i don't listen to it and when i do, i just skip. i like listening to new music. and most songs wear out of even faster when i have it on repeat. therefore, my favorite songs change every day/week/month/etc.

but anyway, i'm glad you feel ... balanced. xD

gah. i jsut sneezed. D;
haha. today, my mom was dropping me off. and while we were in the car and like on the road, the sun was in my face and all a sudden i started sneezing and i was like, "OH CRAP. I'M ALLERGIC TO THE SUN." my mom told me to shut up and not say that. x)

anyways, take your time with the writing. because ... it'll be better if you take your time? i dunno. get well soon. [:

but you know. your stories deserves lots of views. seriously, i read stories with like 500 reviews but they're story is like... crap. you see. you seriously deserve those reviews. i swear, i'm gonna adverstise your stories somewhere one day. maybe on my flickr or something. haha. i already put you down as my favorite author. and my idol on my profile on this forum. x)

you know. just reading your stories and blog posts seem to make me feel like i grown up ... just a little. or well, i seem to have a better taste in music? haha, sure.

well jaseyray, you have talent. i'm sure you're gonna be a super famous, awesome writer one day! (: