Monday, April 13, 2009

"The Brilliant Dance" Dashboard Confessional


Wrote about five notebook pages of stuff for my untitled suicide/cancer story. Oof. I'm scrapping it all. It involved creepy stuff. Oof. But I read about 20 chapters in "Last Place" and it was like I didn't even write it. Except I should have been more clear in some parts. It was a little blurry. But I think I have some little changes here and there in that.

I've been following some Twitter's and for some reason I realized how anti-dru I am. A guy in the Academy Is... smoked some weed this weekend and I was a little like wrinkle-my-nose-lose-all-my-respect-for-him. It wasn't William. I have my fingers crossed and hope he doesn't pull a Kenny Vasoli and land a magazine cover and have the article about his "love affair" with "Mary Jane."

I'm such a dork. Straight-edge man! Woo! Yet I wrote a part today where Kody and Anthony got high together. I'm such a hypocryte. Hah. I used to fight a lot with a friend and he always called me a hypocryte and a forceful over-opinionated person. I basically can only date one kind of guy. Someone who won't let me walk over them and who won't lie or pull any stupid stuff and is independent also.

Oh well. As my love life is screwed I know I'll write kick ass love letters.

So I'm gonna go write now. "Leaving Through the Window" maybe? Kay.
Jasey Ray

1 comment:

christy. said...

**If want to not be annoyed, read the ... lines (?) with an ~ next to it**

haha yeah. on my sister's computer.
(DUDE. I FINISHED MY PROJECT. HAHA YESS. now i need to do my tx history chapter notes! joy.) and i'm too lazy to log in.

i like creepy stuff.
like, i was being really creepy today and kicking ant piles on the track in pe. haha. there were lots of them too..~~

i wonder what happens if someone were like to fall in one. i mean seriously. people like ... run on the track (and in my case, walk!) and like ... play on the field.

HAHA. yeah, not creepy. thought i share that with you while i'm procrastinating.

~~and meep.
i still like last place. cause its still my favorite story. and yeah, i still love it.

and haha. anti-drug. me too. wee.~~

okay, in english. i was sitting next to this guy in the [computer] lab. and then all a sudden he goes.
"i can't wait for summer. i get to see my baby."
and i'm like, i just though maybe his game or car or something. haha. even though he's only 14. with a car. so i'm like, "baby?"
and he's like," yeah, she's 2 months old."

and i was like. LAWL. "okay. have fun."

i still dunno whether if its like a baby, baby or a baby-omgilovethisitemsomuch.

OH. HAHAAA. yeah, reminds of this time in pe when i was trying out the arm convulsion thing. not exactly like throw a drink but arm convulsion as an excuse.

~~i accidentally kinda like tripped and knock my friend to the ground and she was like, "wtf. what was that for?"

and i was like, "uh. arm convulsion?"~~

she didn't think it was funny. but i was like, laughing.

i tend to that alot. laughing at my own "jokes". like today i was dancing all hyperish while listening to my ipod. and i'm like to my sister, "listen to this awesome song". and she does and she goes all, "wtf. this isn't even a happy song." cause it was ... uh. i dun remember but it was a ss song. and i was like, "YEP." and continued dancing.


i'm not normal today.
or right now.

i think i was normal today.

i was making weird sounds when my friend poked me.

like squeals. and bird chirps.

yeah, i'm never normal.


hahahahahaaa. what is up with my comments?

but i dunno because like. YEE-HAW.

haha. i totally dont get why people assume texans are like hicks and cowboys.

like. i dont even have that damn accent. haha. though i stutter alot. ITS A PROBLEM.

anyways. like. my tx history teacher has like a super accent and its hilarious. and this girl. she always says, "THAT'S A KNEE SLAPPER." haha. i'm like. lawl. i use that now cause ... its a funny phrase. ;3

~~kay. serious now.

Haha. I really can't wait to read the Kody/Anthony story. It sounds cool. Well not cool-cool. but interesting? just like... i wanna read it. xD

i do not know what kind of guy i like to date because currently, i do not like guys. haha. i mean i have a crush but. i don't want to like him. he used to be my friend way back in elementary school but now he became like. he's on the top of the "social" pyramid i guess you can say. haha. yeah, i hope he moves next year like he said he would. just like last year.

I don't think I'll ever fall in love. D;

And wee! Leaving Through the Window. Can't wait to read itt.

if you post it. x]