Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"Don't Forget" Demi Lovato (WTF?!?!!?!)


I love this song no idea why! Ooof.

I am actually on Sunday Drive show. It'll be next chapter/update. And I'm sorry my writing/grammar may be a little screwed up because we're reading this short story in schoolabout this guy whose like 37 and can't write or anything and he has the IQ f a grade schooler. His name is Charlie. I tend to love characters named Charlie. Minus Charlie from Twilight. Oof that ruins that statement.

My husband will have to say 'Oof.' a lot becuase I do and I think it'd be a cutesy couple thing.

But anyways!!!! I have a girl crush on Demi Lavato. I admire hir many (Yes I jsut spelled her H-I-R) twitter sessions with BillBeckett. I want to be famous enough ne dy to twitter sesh with BillBeckett. That's my goal. And/or twitter sesh when Mike Carden gets one and she can talk to her celebritycrush/member of the Academy Is... and I can talk to mine. Equality!

I'm singing her song "This is me" for Talent Show (I did just forget the 'The' in that statement) and I can't sing very well because my nose clogs up with all of this snot and I get all congested and can't belt it out. My mum's freaking out more than me. Hah. Hi Mom! (she reads these I think)

So while fanticizing 'bout future twitter seshes with my celebcrush (not Demi) I have also been writing my sad story about Kody and Anthony and it's really disturbign but I've had the same dream in his POV and it's insaely depressing and scary. But I'm a writer so BAM deal with it. Oof. I'm still a little sick.

Apparently my sister's BF just made an evil comment. I'm multitasking by eavesdropping on my sister'c phone convo and writing this while singing Demi Lavato tunes (I only know 2,that's slim pickin's).

But anyway's peace. My sister is explaining the term 'muffin top' to her BF.
I must sleep. I'm overtired and not jaunty* vocab word.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

AHAHAHAHA. ha. ha... yeah. don't forget is one of those songs that i cant get out my head. BECAUSE I STILL WATCH DISNEY. AND HER MUSIC VIDEO HAPPENS TO BE ON IT ALOT. i found that embarassing to say.

anyways. PFF. NOT ANOTHER TWILIGHT HATER. haha, i used to be so obsessed with twilight. breaking dawn totally ruined the whole series for me. but then again, i read it like a year and half ago and its getting on nerves now SO MANY people are like in love with me. i'm starting to hate it. BUT. i still am gonna defend it. ;3

i have a girl crush on katy perry. lmao. or well, i used to. but yeah, haha. i used to have her as my avvie, siggy, dp, etc. all over the place. lmao. and she's so sexy. obby. I KISSED A GIRL AND I LIKED IT. somethingsomething. yeah. x]

lmaolmaolmao. i sneezed in pe today. and well, there are no tissue boxes laying around. so my hands were like glued to my face all period. and my shirt was all snotty. YOU DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW THAT. but yeah, YOU GOT ME SICK LADY. my throat is starting to itch. but what really sucks is if that i get sick during the little 3 day weekend thing and i get better when school starts again. GOD. THAT WOULD BE LIKE. not cool.

ahh, i really can't wait to read the kody story thing meeting anthony. AND THE SUNDAY DRIVE SHOW. YAYYY

i had a dream. that i was a wearing a shirt that had like, "peace love jaseyray" HAHAHAH. yeah. i'm embarrased to say that too. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT. i'm gonna make a shirt that says that. like those cool threadless shirts. i'll even make the design in photoshop. lmao. and then i'll like ... take a picture of it. and show you. and then you'll see how much fan girlish i am. wee. ;3

LMFAO. i just googled muffin top. ahahaahhahahaha. yeah. i seem to google alot of stuff i don't know. x)