Friday, April 24, 2009

"Emergency" Ace Enders


I have nointeresting stories. Except possibly my heros list jsut made an interesting change. My top three heros are now fighting for the top spot. And I'm afraid Mr. Beckett might get the boot from #1.

Why? Because I found my dream musician. And I'm obsessed with his music and his life and his attitude. Which makes me write my Kody-story. Which I need a title for but I'm waiting for a book to come out and see if I can snake a title out of it. Tee-hee.

My stories are all name after songs basically. Which is sort of sad becuase someone complimented my story naming skills.

"Last Place You Look" Get Up Kids (Coincidentally Remember Maine record title)
"Perfect Kisses" The Apathy Euology
"The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows" Brand New
"Leaving Through The Window" Something Corporate Record
"Riot" Paramore record
"All We Ever Needed" The Early November

And weirdly enough all the songs unintentionally coincide with the story it identifies.

And my deepest apologies, but I can't bring myself to write "Perfect Kisses." Killing Rainie knocked me off of my seat. But HUGE changes in "Last Place." I mean MASSIVE!

So peaceeeeee
Jasey Ray

PS. My mum keeps buying these delicious chedder and sour cream potato chips I am obsessed with. Oof. But they inspire me oh so much.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Ahhh, I wanna read that Kody story. Haha, and a book ... better come out so you can get a title. Yes, yes.

Lmao, at first I thought you had awesome story naming skills too, like orignal shizz. But I started putting pieces and stuff together and I was like, "OH. THEY'RE NAMED AFTER SONGS/ALBUMS/ETC".

Which is cool cause they actually relate to your story. Hahaaaa.

I like how you killed Rainie though (BUT I DO NOT LIKE THAT RAINIE IS DEADD. D:). Cause it adds lots of emotion. BUT LUCKLY IT IS AN ALTERATIVE ENDING.


God, I hope so. But my brain is like, "NOOOHH. Rainie is dead!"

HAHAHAA. I been eating baked potato for the past 54035049 nights. WITH SOUR CREAM AND SHREDDED CHEESE. Could the cheese be chedder? O:

Lmaoooo. Funny stuff.

I also had bacon bits with it. ^^