Monday, April 13, 2009

"Hayley" Empires


Okay so new story idea:

Will is 16. He came to school and his friend is dating this girl named Charlotte. She's blonde and pretty and she hangs out with them sometimes. She brings this girl Ashley who Will dated in middle school and they haven't talked since. They start talking again. Ashley has a boyfriend and he starts to like Ashley. And they start talking more and more and he starts liking her more and more. He is trying to steal her from her boyfriend and doesn't have any idea how.

How does that sound? Inspired by a song of course. But I like it. I could go with it I think.


christy. said...

Ahh, sounds fun.
Haha, I can imagine Will like doing all these cheesy things to win Ashley's heart.

Maybe not.

How about ...
Him GETTING beat up by her boyfriend?

Or maybe Ashley&Charlotte in a catfight?

idk. But haha, hope you can write it and stuff and yeah. I dunno what to say. xD

Jasey Ray said...

i made some notes, he's a good boy again! i always write good boys. i need to come up with a really shitty guy and stuff. oof.

never-explore said...

Pff, nah. Good boys are love.

Though "really shitty" guys could be a nice change. Haha, though I probably go all spazzy whenever they like do something that like ... make me not like that.

I like good boys. Bad boys scare me. xD