Sunday, April 26, 2009

"Intensity of 10 Cities(?)" Chiodos


I wrote chapter 32(?) for "Perfect Kisses" this morning and it just came out. I didn't reread it I just finished and posted it. But I'm thinking hard about something. And it's going to throw you guys for a loop I think. I am really excited for it. It's going to be brilliant.

And it's going to lash out and attack "Last Place" also and hopefully all of my readers. It's pretty crazy I am so freaking excited. I can't help it. I'm going to write some notes up for it, and it's going to change EVERYTHING! I swear. It's going to make everything snap together in a perfect amazing way. It's going to be f*cking brilliant. Well ot so intensly, but it's going to be angsty and heart melty as this sh*tty summer weather.

Brilliant I say. Brilliant.

Ahhh. I'm such a dork I want to write so bad but I gotta writ a paper too. I'm wondering if I can manage all of this excitement. I can't. I'm going to write now.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

GEEZ, YOU'RE TRYING TO GET ME EVEN MOAR HYPED UP. Seriously. Hahahaaaa. I cannot wait.

And you're like. Saying its changing EVERYTHING. And like, I dunno if thats a good thing or not. But you're saying its gonna be perfect and fucking brilliant. And like. Whoaaa. You got my super hyped up.

hahahaa. I took like a 2hr break and forgot about this.


Ummm... yeah.
Write. XD