Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Lazy Eye" Silversun Pick-ups


I'm definatly sick right now. My nose is running like a sieve and all I want to do is curl up on the couch and sleep and listen to Radiohead. But I'll be thinking up some stuff because once I hit the Sunday Drive concert there's going to be even more thrown into the mix. And a little more drama and a little more that. It'll be intense I must say. Incredibly intense.

But for now I'm going to shower and down a cup of Theraflu and see if I can make myself better for tomorrow. I have art. I can't miss it. But I wish I could miss lunch soooooo badly.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON. eat lots of chicken noodle soup and drink orange juice. yep yep. ... well. i think that's for a cold?

you have a cold right? xD

but yeah. FEEL BETTER.

AND WHAT. MISS LUNCH. lady, you are crazy. i love cafteria food. haha. i have art ... 4 times a week. and it gets boring cause all we do is PHOTOSHOP. geez. well. i like photoshopping and stuff. but he only posts like lame assignments so i always wander off and do my own stuff. like. the only things we did with paper and pencil is a name art thing, self portrait (i was gonna throw mine away but he was like, "NO. I SHALL PUT IT UP ON MY WALL." and i regret letting him. cause its so ugly. and well.. its on the backwall), and like this perspective thing. THATS IT. gah. i was gonna join advanced art next year but i don't really have anything for a portfolio. so yeah. ITS ALL HIS FAULT. damn school for making him the 2nd art teacher. but... at least we get to photoshop! teehee. i love photoshop. JUST NOT THE ASSIGNMENTS.

//end of rant

hope you get well soon jaseyray!