Thursday, April 2, 2009

"Love's Not Competition" Paramore (Cover)


So I've mentioned me new story probably told you about it. I'll say at all again. ith names this time. So Kody is seventeen and attmepts suicide. He is saved by 20-year-old Anthony who is into drugs alcohol an everything Kody isn't but decides to take up. Athony takes Kody under his wing for the summer and they become close. Kody's taught how to live by the guy who saved him. Then in September Kody finds out Anthony has stomach cancer. And has five months left to live.

It's not cheesy. It doesn't involve a girl falling in love and finding out who she is or helping another couple end up together. It's sad. And it's soemthing I can't stop myself from writing.

I'm researching stomach cancer right now. Oof.

Jasey Ray

1 comment:

never-explore said...

YOU KNOW WHAT IS SO WEIRD. I just got the chills and the need to comfort Kody.


so weird.

aha yeah. but i really can't wait to read it. it sounds so interesting.