Thursday, April 9, 2009

"Stranger" Secondhand Serenade


I'm bored

Bennett's POV
Setting: Talent Show

I was sitting backstage. Nathan was sitting there scracthing his neck. I watched him. Seeing him. He wasn't that-prick-Nathan to me. He was Elisa's boyfriend. And I hd borrowed her from him for one night. The lucky prick had her. She was his. I reminded myself she was mine in a small way. That night she'd always be mine. And here I was to be patient. To wait for her to do something for her. And not lt the world take control once again.

Girls came backstage from singing smiling like they were awesome. Thinking they were stars. I looked at my sad little guitar. I wished my mother was right. I hoped this would be good for me. I hoped this would make her proud.

The kid with braces came in again. "Act number 11?" He said. That was me. Act 11. I gt up taking my guitar and walking out. Past Nathan. I heard whisper. A hushed voice. "I heard he slept with Rainie Joseph Friday night. Left the party together."

No. Because Elisa's prettier than Rainie could ever be.

I stood on the side. The director preparing me. Telling me to walk out and play. Not saying anything. Just play the song. I nodded. Looking out for her. All those eyes. I wanted to see her. Not anyone else. I wanted to see Elisa. Only Elisa.

The girl walked off. She smiled flipping her hair. "Hi Bennett." She said. Rachel Powers. I nodded and a girl came out announcing me and the act I was doing. Saying an original song. I didn't tell them I changed songs last minute.

I walked out. Looking around. I slipped my guitar over my shoulder playing chords getting ready. I scanned the crowd. And found her. Her eyes bright and shining out to me. Waiting for me to find her. She sat up and looked at me. She wasn't Nathan's right now. She was mine to steal.

"This is a different song," I said. My voice sounded so loud. "I wrote it three days ago. It's about this girl." I played another chord. And looked up finding her again and I started playing. I wanted to write her the most beautiful song I could. I had to settle for this. Making it as perfect as I could. Making it beautiful for her. My eyes on her as I sang. I fell for her form the stage. I felt my heart pounding singing her these words.

It went by fast.We were the only two people in the world. We were all theat mattered. We were the world and the universe. We were everything compacted into a connection between two people and a song. I said everything I could. Looking away and gettign offstage. People clapped. She remained frozen. Stunned. I was stunned by her everytime I saw her. I was used to it.

I went into the room. Nathan smirking as I passed. "Sure it wasn't about some prick?" He asked. He looked slightly jealous. I told myself he was. I found it funny.

It was about his girlfriend. That's why I didn't say anything.

I sank down to the ground hearing the vibrations of the room she was in. Sitting there stunned hopefully still. And thinking. Knowing how much he meant to me. How much she was to me. And suddenly I heard it.


"Elisa, I'm so sorry for whatever I did."

A pause.

"No, Nathan, I'm done. I know you cheated on me."

That was the best thing I ever heard. I must have half imagined it. It couldn't be real. It went how I wanted it to go. It was her telling him she needed to do something herself. She sounded so strong so real. It couldn't have been. And in a second the room was silent. An uneasy calmness. I stood up.

And she was there.

She looked at me. Elisa. I swallowed and walked towards her. "Hi," I said. My voice was so soft.

"Was that about me?" She asked suddenly. Her eyes sparkling.

I smiled a little. "Did you like it?" I was close to her. She didn't say anything she stepped closer filling in the space in between us and kissed me. Her lips so sweet. I moved my arms around her and kissed her back.

It was the greatest dream I ever had. It was all I ever wanted. The girl of my dreams was mine. This never happened. But I didn't wake up. Because when I opened my eyes I saw hers closed too. Waiting and hoping this wasn't only a dream too.

Elisa Loren was mine.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

slightly random.
i saw an ihop commerical last night. AND THE FIRST THING THAT POPPED INTO MY MIND WAS, "rainie."

haha yeah. i never been there before. i wanna though. THAT POTATO THING LOOKED GOOD.

anyways, this was amazing. as always.

my favorite part was when bennett was searching for elisa and singing to her. and then ending when his like dreams came true. i was like ... sdfnkgjgsds.

today is a very happy day. haha. i got cheesecake and i got read another bennett pov!