Friday, April 3, 2009

"Title and Registration" Death Cab For Cutie


So people on my bus generally must think I'm a scary emo freak. This girl looked at me like a creep all busride. I was watching Death Cab for Cutie's "Title and Registration" from Transatlanticism. You might not think it's to bad, but watch it and you'll see. I think it's a pretty beast video. All that girl was doing was texting Tom G. about her friend and shit. What does she know about beast music videos.

I've been belting Demi Lovato all afternoon. I might cover it for the Talent show. I got my slip the other day and I'm thinking that or "Umbrella" but I'm thinking "This is Me" is pretty good. And/or some of my emo selections.

But I almsot posted a chapter but I'm saving it for Posting Day tomorrow. Tomorrow Posting Day is merely a test drive.

I listened to Secondhand Serenade. "Stay Close, Don't Go" is totally a BennettxElisa song. And I found another one. "Stranger" by Mr. Secondhand Serenade too. BennettxElisa too. I thik a lot of his songs are BennettxElisa. But I found a RainiexPaul one in "Fall For You."

But I was rocking some older selections too. Mayday Parade is a great break-up song. And also I've been rocking The Scene Aesthetic. Listen to "Beauty in the Breakdown" by the Scene Aesthetic. I might play that song too for the talent show.

As you can see all I can think about is this freaking talent show. OOOOOF.
Jasey Ray

Ps. I think everyone is going to like the next chapter in "Perfect kisses"
Sneak peak: Caroline and the Spinella Household


never-explore said...

i listened to Title and Registration. i like it, the music video was a little ... weird. in a cool weird way. i don't really get it though. haha.

ah, you are a demi lovato fan. i'm not a big fan but my sister really likes her.

anyways, that would have been awesome if you posted a chapter today. my day been ruined my mom's constant nagging. but oh well, i can't wait to read it tomorrow!

and yay! i'm glad Stay Close, Don't Go was a Bennett&Elisa song. i hadn't heard Stranger yet. i shall listen to that too. not a big fan of Fall For You, but i agree that its a Paul&Rainie song. :]

what's so weird is that i'm a big S.S. fan but i only have 3 of his songs (which btw, i recommend you listen to vunerable and a twist in my story, awesomely awesome). yep.

and, gahh. i hope you find a song(s) for the talent show. and that you sort everything out. deep breaths. small steps. ^^

ps. i think i will like the chapter too. [:

Jasey Ray said...

i morphed chapter 25 and 26, ill post it for you whn i finish it. I'm really close to the end

i used to be a huge ss fan i have like all of his songs and stuff

but ill have the chapter up in 20 min

never-explore said...

aw geez. you made me smile. thank you! i wasn't intending to mess up your schedule with the posting day. but oh well, i'm gonna be selfish and be happy about the new chappie. ^^

and yeah. i need to download more ss songs. fill my playlist with a couple [or more like 24938240] songs. which also reminds me! i got like tons of rocket to the moon songs a couple weeks ago. and then i start freaking out at my sister because she was listening to a song by him. but ... she heard it first. or that was what she said.

i have this issue with people listening to same music as me. well, not really. it depends on the people. like my sister. and my friends who suddenly love paramore because they wrote songs for twilight. seriously. like i was like last year, "oh hey, do you like this song?" and they're like, "its okay" and garfgjkg. i like being different. i don't like being mainstream but i am anyways. ah yes. i'm such a wannabe. x]