Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"Wste It On" Silversun Pickups


I jsut watched the movie "Nick & Norah's Infinit Playlist" again. I will probably end up marrying a guy like Nick. Norah is so much like me too. I love watching movies and seeing someone just like me.

I'm listening to indie music right now. It's so good. I wish I could download it. But I can't. No downloading no more in my house. Which sucks and is a struggle everyday for me. But I have to settle with what I have and save up to buy CDs and iTunes cards. Ooof.

I'll save up for my own computer to download all the illegal music I want. I jsut need to make some money.

So I will possibly have a chapter tonight? I'm on Spring Break so I write till like midnight post it fall asleep get up and start my day with a few Taylor Swift covers and Ace Enders and Demi Lovato. Mind you, I hate Taylor Swift but I'm secretly in love with Demi Lovato's music.

So I'm going to start writing. See you tomorrow.
Jasey Ray

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Aww, sorry about the no-downloading-indie-music thingy.

My parents actually encourage me to download my music using Limewire and Youtube and all that stuff. Cause they don't want to waste money. Lmao. Though I got an iTunes card from my aunt for my birthday and I spent it all on music videos and apps. Yep yep.

Though my friends blame for the virus on their computer. ._.


You lucky girl. Spring break. Lmao. That's weird though, shouldn't spring break be like in ... Spring? Or like March. To me April is like summer. Its already in the 80s here. BUT WELL. That's the weather like when you're closer to the equator. >.>

WHICH BTW. Is so windy right now. Haha. My mom told me she got locked out of the house because the door closed cause of the wind like our front door is messed up and you can only open it from the inside and yeah...


I love her. ;3

And I only like Don't Forget by Demi Lovato. Lmao. But like. YOU KNOW. That's the only song.

I really wish she wasn't a disney person. Or like a Disney CHANNEL person. Because like, I MIGHT would have loved her too.

Taylor Swift is kindaish disney. But not much.
