Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"Baby Blue" The Early November


I'm going to start my english homework now and down some pain relievers becuase my tummy hurts like a mother. And so I've told about five people in my real life about my stuff on FanFiction and I don't know if I want people reading it. But I guess if they want to they can. But for now I just want to work on my rewriting and stuff.

So excited for my "Last Place You Look" rewrite. It's all I've been writing lately but I need to get "Perfect Kisses" done. But that's a pretty easy one. I can write in Rainie's POV like that now. *snap*

So maybe/mabye no update tonight depends on how intense my tummy is hurting later, how well I can write a rewrite without having the urge to check the message boards or check out whats going on with my fab five- The Academy Is...

But my tummy hurts worse now. Peace. I feel sick. Oof.


1 comment:

never-explore said...

Ack god. I hate stomach aches. I hate cramps too. x.x

Anyway, I hope your stomach gets better!

So you can update. ;3