Saturday, March 21, 2009

"Forever and Always (Cover)" A Rocket To the Moon


Part of Phase Two of sequel thing. I really liked it. I want to post it. So I'm gonna'.

Bennett's POV

I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I paused my spoon mid-air waiting to dive back into my bowl of cereal. I was frozen. Waiting. It was Rainie walking by me and going towards the cabinet taking out a box of cereal too. And I watched her. Silently. I took another spoonful and waited.

Finally she turned and say me. Jumping. Flying back towards the counter. She caught her breathe. I stifled a laugh. I shouldn't be laughing- I know- she's pregnant you aren't supposed to find near-heartattacks funny.

"You could have let me know you were there." She hissed.

I laughed chewing my cereal. And taking in another spooful. She made herself a bowl and joined me. Sitting across from me. And we ate quietly for a few seconds. "How did he take it?" I asked.

She swallowed. "Better than I expected." She said. "I don't know. We're both really happy for some reason. We shouldn't be but we are."

"Why shouldn't you be happy?" I asked. Looking at her. In the pale light of the night she was visible. Her hair long and her skin still pale. She still looked young. Not Elisa-kind of young where she looks like she's only 16. She just seems like she doesn't have an age. She chewed another bite of cereal.

"We don't have any money." She said. "We've only been married half a year, we can barely afford to look at our own place. I mean, we're going to have to support another living thing. It's scary."

I paused. "But then again, you love each other. You're not going to end up getting a divorce realizing you aren't mature enough to take care of kids. Besides you know how to take care of kids." I said.

She paused. Looking down into her bowl of cereal. Likeit was a crystal ball holding the answers. She looked up at me. "My appointment was supposed to be next week." She said.

"You were going to get an abortion?" I said softer starign at her.

Her face was worn now. Depressed and hurt. She nodded. "Elisa talked me out of it." She said.

I thoguht about this. "I can see her doing that." I said softly. It was easy. She was that kind of person. The part I couldn't see was Rainie wanting one in the first place.

Rainie nodded. "I owe her so much." She said. "I don't know what would have happened without her."

We were quiet for a long time. Eating silently. Rainie was looking at me. I looked back at her. "I was thinking about this a lot." She said suddenly. "About when Paul and I first met."

"Yeah," I said. "Way back in high school." I smiled a little. It's weird knowing Rainie longer than Paul. Knowing I was there when they met. I saw them fall in love and I broke them up and I got them back together when they broke up again.

She nodded. "If I had picked Sean instead, and gone back to that party, I would never have had this." She said. I nodded. Opening my mouth to agree. "Something tells me we would have ended up together. In some twisted world."

I thought about this. Before I met Elisa that's all I wanted to hear. To know I had a chance with her, but I never did. I had no chance with her. She was meant to be with Paul. I get along with her now, we're friends. What's hard is not knowing what would have happened to Elisa.

"And Paul," She said. "Would have ended up with this girl Lauren. I put money on it. She was his first real girlfriend."

"What do you think would have happened to Elisa?" I asked.

Rainie paused. "She would have stayed with that kid she broke up with for you." She said softly.

That thought was scary. If Elisa had stayed with Nathan. I was quiet. Thinking about this. And then I got up putting my bowl of cereal in the sink. Rainie followed. I looked at her. "You and Paul around going ot be fine." I said softly.

She smiled a little. "Thanks," She said.

And then I hugged her. Squeezing her once. Knowing in some twisted world I would be with her not Elisa. I mved away taking a step to go back to the room I had left my love alone in. "Bennett," Rainie said softly. I looked back at her. "Are you ever going to ask her to marry you? I mean, she's getting worried you're not. Not now, but do you plan to?"

I smiled a little. "I've been trying to." I said. I've tried six time in the past six months. There have been perfect times or bad times. The first we were sitting in the car by the same pond we always used to go to in high school listening to Sunday Drive on March 19. Another we were backstage at a show. We were alone and I was planning to do it. But Jonah came in. And started hitting on her to tease me. But every time it goes wrong. There's something that's off. "It's jsut never right."

She smiled. "Really?" she asked. "She's so scared I think. Paul and I are beating you two badly."

I smiled a little. "Don't I know it."

We went back to our rooms. I climbed back into the bed. Elisa shifting. "What's wrong?" She whispered. I took her into my arms. Kissing her head.

I thanked god fate made it so Rainie and Paul found each other. Because even though I suffered alone I found Elisa. The greatest thing to ever happen to me. "I love you," I whispered into her skin.

"I love you, too." She kissed me. Her lips soft and perfect. Warm and incredible. Sending shivers down my spin and warmth through my flesh. I didn't know loving someone this much was possible. But even though Rainie and Paul were beating us when it came to building a life. But I don't think anyone could love someone as much as I loved Elisa.

So I held onto her. Knowing I just needed to figure out how to show her that I did.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

O BABY. I love this. ;3

Ahahaa. Yess. >.<

And I like the talk they head. And yeah thank god Rainie didn't get an abortion.


Aha oh yes. You can tell I'm a pro-life.. er. ^^

Ow crap. I just like stabbed my hand with an egg shell. D;

Anyway ...

And lolz. Dave is now Nathan? Nathan sounds like a goody boy name. x]

Anyways, yeah. I dun think Elisa would be with him though cause she'll find out that he was cheating on her from Cass and then probably find another guy. xD

And soo cuteee. About the Bennett trying to ask Elisa. :3