Saturday, March 21, 2009

"The Love" The Morning Light


Today is "Make Shirts Day" for me. Which means I will be in my "studio" - room - making t-shirts which I will continue to screw up until my sister comes home from dance competition to tell me she hates them and I'll have to waste another ten dollars of which I don't have on more.

Yesterday was "Post Updates Day" as you can see that was an epic fail. I posted one. Worked on "Last Place" rewrite and wrote about a page on a word document for it and was told I didn't know the characters in the book my stories are about.

Then again Yesterday turned into "Talk to Nick Scimeca, Shawn and Brooke" on stickam. They all work for a company called 'We Can't Stop Thinking' crazy graphic stuff and what not. I did so along with a series on online creeps and Johnny Minardi. That took up three hours but inspired me to work on "Last Place."

So I'll be blasting Ace Enders and The Academy Is... (I have a sudden urge to rock out to Fast Times at Barrington High and Almost Here simultaneously) and singing.

I sound very bitter. I'm not. I'm extremely happy. I sang a song for my sister and played guitar. Talent Show has been bugging me out. And the reason I've been questioning whether or not I should do it is my sister telling me she hated my voice. But she told me my voice has gotten a ton better so I've been singing so much lately. My Ace Enders record has been victimized lately with my comstant singing along and also any song that makes me want to belt out the words.

But so my rambling stops here with an excuse: No updates today and or tomorrow. I have to have three shirts done by Sunday or else my mother is taking away my cell phone, my guitar, and my Academy Is... CDs. She knows that if she takes my iPod away I'll just be annoying and jittery and pacing aorund all day not knowing what to do with myself.



never-explore said...

You're sister is mean. xD
But then again she's your older sister right? Lol. Well older sisters are mean anyways cause we're just born like that. ;3

But I hope your sister doesn't come home and like says she doesn't like your shirts. Cause I bet they're awesome.

And yay for Last Place write up! And I didn't get the part when you said you were told that you didn't the characters in the book my stories are about?? Aha. Yeah well, I'm slow that.

Woo stickam. No idea what that is but whatever. XD

And weeee The Academy Is and Ace Enders! And ahaha singing. Yeah my sister is mean too and says I suck and makes me all sad. D;

But that's good that your singing is getting better! I hope the talent show works out and you do awesome and win and yeaahh.

And D;
No updates?! God. Aahaha. My spring break is almost over and I get no updates. XD jk jk.

Lololll. If my mom took my computer away I'll be like sleeping all day and watching T.V. like the useless lifeform I am. x]

WELL. YOU BETTER FINISH THOSE SHIRTS. Cause.. I dunno. But whatever, I dunno how to end this post. XD

Jasey Ray said...

some girl thinks i based my stories off of characters in another, i didnt understnad what she said so I'm waiting for her to explain it to me.

i didn't mention in my reply though that i write 100% myself stories about my characters but i'll try and ge that accross to her.

never-explore said...

Pfff. That ... girl. Your fanfics are so original. I seriously never read anything like them. O: