Friday, March 6, 2009

"Outside" The Early November


I made an inspirational playlist and i was listening ot it on theb us while the girl I walk to school with when on and on about how much she hates school. I honestly can't stand the poor girl. She depresses me more than anything. Thus why I started drowning her out with my iPod. We no longer talk on the way to school. But she listens to Jack's Mannequin which is a plus.

So my ideas for both rewrites are flowing flowing flowing. I'm ready to hammer out some more ideas. I think my mother's working with weekend and I'll start on Chapter 15? today and get to work too. I'll have an update tonight.

But for "Last Place You Look" my ideas are sooo incredible and exciting. Ah. I cna't wait to start hammering that out. I think I'll let them pool up a little and then slap on a few fast updates when they are in and I have a good direction and what not.

I've been reading Sarah Dessen books a lot and it's really good. I'm on Lock and Key and it's better than I first thought. I made through like 100 pages during school today. And I need to go back and read Someone Like You and buy them all too. I own three. But I'll have her new one too. But I have no money. Saving up for some records. But I'll hopefully have some then. I wasted so much time on Twilight, you don't even know.

But big plans. Big ideas.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Haha omg. Have I told you that you introduced me to really good music? Maybe you never really intended to but I like hunted down the songs that Elisa&Bennett (we need a pet name for them. Along with Rainie&Paul) listen to and yeah. I have a couple songs by Dashboard and Jack’s Mannequin. And then your name! I googled it and found that All time Low song and I downloaded more songs by them Amazing stuff I say. And then I Pandora them and I get more songs by “similar artists”. One thing leads to another. ^^

And keep on writing. I can’t wait to read more Elisa&Bennett chappies/stories/ideas?.

And I wanna read some more Sarah Dessen books too. I only read two. I need to make a library card, I already read all the /good/ books in my school library. >.>