Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Quest Part 1


So I'm on a quest. To find a song. Of course. But not just any song. A complete Bennett song. No Elisa no Rainie no Paul no family. Just a Bennett Williams song. An anthem so to speak- that is of his character. And I'm going to try to capture his character in a new way.

Like I said music sort of shapes my characters. I sort of find the soundtracks of these characters. It's easy for Rainie and Elisa. But above all Paul's the easiest for me. I have a ton of Paul songs. It's shocking how many songs I listen to and jsut think "Paul Spinella" and then smile becuase I love his name.

When I meet a Spinella I'm going ot be their best friend.

Top 5 Paul Songs
"Just Another One" A Rocket To The Moon
"The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot" Brand New
"Mayonnais (Cover)" The Academy Is...
"Perfect Kisses" The Apathy Euology
"Automatic Eyes" The Academy Is...

So today my goal is to finish two shirts while listening to all of the CDs I think I'll find these songs on. Right now I have a few in front of me. By a few I mean 13. With all of these quote unquote "emo" bands. Dashboard Confessional, Death Cab For Cutie, Saves the Day, Jimmy Eat World, The Get Up Kids, and last but not least anything I own by Ace Enders.

I think Ace has this voice. I don't know why but I have a feeling I'll find Bennett on one of those records.


PAUL SPINELLA EXISTS!!!!!!! He did group vocals on I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business. Shit. I'm googling him. Picture later.

Jasey Ray

1 comment:

never-explore said...

Lmao. Good luck with your music quest thing. I'd help but ... I dunno. I dun think I can cause I suck. D;

ANYWAYS. hahahahah. I thought you named Paul after that guy. I saw it and I was like, "O LAWL." And then, yeah. Cause you said you based your peoples of music and music peopoles and stutfff. Ahah I said peo poles. ;3

So yeah. Good luck with them shirts and songs. ^^