Saturday, March 7, 2009

"Trouble" Nevershoutnever


I was up last night getting all inspired and what not and I started writing. It was great. BUT I have good/bad news. I'm changing Bennett's name I think. I have a last name. It's Lacy. And I'm thinking it might be Bennett Lacy but that doesn't fit that well. I'll be saying it all day seeing if it fits but I may/may not even try changing it. Spinella was just a placeholder name too, but it's basically my favorite last name ever! So I may keep Bennett Williams.

If I have to change anything it'll be his frist name. But it's so hard. I'm so adjusted to him being Bennett Williams. So I don't know. I'll roll with it I guess. It makes me feel like I'm writing aobut the source of my inspiration for this' life. Which is what's bothering me a lot.

Bennett Lacy
Bennett Williams
Lacy Williams (Joke)
? Lacy

I'm cominmg up with a list of names. I'll pick one. And start working with it. It's so hard. I'll be drawing today. Sitting in my room listening ot Death Cab For Cutie and Brand New and The Early November (Thus getting as close to Sunday Drive as humanly possible).

And I made a playlist which was uber fun. It makes me write a lot which is spectacular.

Sunday Drive
"Sunday Drive" The Early November
"Perfect Kisses" The Apathy Euology
"The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot" Brand New
"Steadier Footing" Death Cab For Cutie
"Wonderwall" Oasis
"Winter Passing" The Academy Is...
"I'll Catch You (Acoustic)" The Get Up Kids
"Styrofoam Plates" Death Cab For Cutie
"Mayonnaise (Smashing Pumpkins Tribute)" The Academy Is...
"Last Place You Look" The Get Up Kids
"The Mountain Range in My Living Room" The Early November
"Nightingale" Saves the Day
"Play Crack the Sky" Brand New
"The Author" The Academy
"Every Night's Another Story" The Early November

So I'll be writing and drawing and drinking ginger ale with my cat Puddy (Pud- as in beginning of PUDDing and E). I'll have some updating to doo this week. Also anticipating two releases from monumental bands in my life on the same day XD (amazing emoticon) and anticipating a lot of other stufff.

So peace. Updates tonight I promise.


never-explore said...

Nevershoutneverrrrrrrrr. Woo!

It'll never be the same again.

But seriously, don't change his name. I'll cry. D;

And I'm gonna download all the songs you wrote down. Because I can. And I want to.

AND XD IS A SUPER AWESOME SMILEY. I can't totally use it with any sentence. I acutually used to that. But it annoyed some people. So I stopped. >.>

But its still my most used smiley. xD (<<-- See?)

never-explore said...

*can. I mean I can use it with any sentence. skdlfsd

never-explore said...

Ah. I got most of the songs. I couldn't find a couple.

But I love the 'Death Cab for Cutie' and 'Early November' songs.