Saturday, March 21, 2009

"When I Hit the Ground" Ace Enders


I mentioned my life changing. Well, about two years ago exactly I was sitting and listening to a song. I was screwed up beyond belief. Having been suspended and having nothing in the world to make sense to me. I was handed a song. I shoved it away reluctantly. Saying "That's for losers in tight pants."

Somehow I listened to it. And I got this weird feeling. Just immersed in the beauty of that one song. A guitar and a man. And my life changed. I became this person. And somehow I owe my life to that man. His name is Ace Enders.

I bought his record. And I plugged everything in. My shitty stereo and my uncomfortable kitchen table chair I used ot sit in when I was seven before we got the table we have now. And I listened. Reading the lyrics and the words of this man. The brutal honesty and pure emotion. The last day of winter. And my life just changed. I found the soundtrack of the past year of my life. The worst year. Where I lost my best friends and all of my creative ability and who I was. Where I belonged. Who I wanted to be. And where I needed to go. I lost desire in everything. And it took a trip in the middle of the ocean to pick myself up.

I've never mentioned it before but I went on a cruise. I saw a kid who was wearign a New Found Glory shirt and he was one of those people you see everywhere. But never know. My sister and I hung aorudn with a ground of kids. I found out it was his family. And I met him. His name was Stephen. And he was one of those great people you meet. They aren't like anyone in the world. He was 18. I was the youngest in the group. My goal one night where we were going to stay up all night with the whole group of almsot 10-15 kids was to talk about music with him. And so I did. Bringing up Circa Survive and Anthony Green in a game and that lead to an intense hour-long conversation about music with him. Where he played me a song called "Play Crack the Sky" by Brand New which remains one of my favorite songs to this day. I heard it in the middle of the ocean. And one of the strongest musical connections was a band called The Early November.

After meeting Stephen it was one of thoseperiods of time where from there my life went uphill. I found a table and somehow ended up making real friends. Falling into my rightful place. Making the quote stand true: The Universe Tends To Unfold As It Should. My life philosophy and belief in everything.

The record "When I Hit The Ground" by Ace Enders is the soundtrack of the worst year of my life. And after everything I felt a calming shift in my life. Everything clicking and coming to a stop.

I owe Ace Enders my life. He's made me this person. And although these years are full of regret, I'm alive.

* * *

The strongest imgaes I have of my characters are when I find songs that relate to them. Or these songs find me. It works almost like a movie preview where I can see my characters as real people going through the motions and the story. And it helps my writing so much.

Here is one of the strongest Bennett and Elisa songs I've ever heard. All I see is them. No matter how much of a Rainie and Paul song this is.

When I Hit The Ground
Ace Enders
I tried my best to leave
The broken parts of me
In the hallway where I wait
To watch you walk away
I wonder if I run
If I chase you, would you come?
I just know that something's wrong.
So if you leave this town,
I would follow you right out
The dark of every road to hold you afloat
Cut me deep so you can see
Everything's not what it seems
On my knees, I'm breaking down
Just know I loved you when I hit the ground.
I wander through these streets, a drifter no one sees
Collecting memories, of you and me
I never meant to lose control
I know I hurt you, I was wrong
I should've never let you go
So if you leave this town,
I would follow you right out
The dark of every road to hold you afloat
Cut me deep so you can see
Everything's not what it seems
On my knees, I'm breaking down
Just know I loved you when I hit the ground.
Come down, I'm always around
So if you fall down, I'm always around
Just come down, I'm always around
So if you fall down, I'm always around
So if you leave this town, I would follow you right out
The dark of every road to hold you afloat
Cut me deep so you can see
Everything's not what it seems
On my knees, I'm breaking down
Just know I loved you when I hit the ground.

I just see them. I'm not sure when, just overall. It jsut sort of fits somehow. It annoys me that the lyrics are so Rainie and Paul but with the song it just seems the opposite. What do you think?


1 comment:

never-explore said...

I wanna hug someone now. But my dad is sleeping. And my sister is still locked in her freaking room. SO I'M GONNA HUG YOU.

Okay maybe not. Not a big fan of touching people. Ahahaa. Anyway. I'm listening to the song. It does remind me of Bennett&Elisa. Kay to be honest. I think their like more of a couple with sad slow songs cause they're like.. all secret'ish and emotional in a way. And Paul&Rainie more of an upbeat song cause there's more drama and shit.

And. D:
Yeah, I never really made fun or whatever of like 'emo' people or whatever. I thought they were pretty cool with their pimp skinny jeans (what's sad is that I just started wearing them last year. >.>). Not that I'm emo now. I'm just like ... me. But whatever. Moving on.

I think its cool how like music shaped your life. That's something really special. I wish that could happen to me. But I dun think anything is really wrong with me. I'm just you're boring girl that does nothing with her life. Maybe music can ... de-bore me. Dunno.

Gahh. I feel sad now. I can tell you been through alot. I wanna hug you now. D':

You rock Jasey Ray!