Saturday, February 21, 2009

"Cherub Rock" Smashing Pumpkins


So my attempt to read Breaking Dawn is going awful. I'm giving up.

Edward is sooo weird. William Beckett is the only kind of vampire I like. (Only because the images of Mike Carden as a vampire are creepy too, I much prefer him as a clown). Plus if a girl can mack on another guy and then go back ot her boyfriend she's a weirdo. Someone has commitment issues...

But yes. So I've been looking more in to publishing and what not. I found one I was excited about. A publishing company that is. The entry fee not so much. $4ooo. Oof. I'm going to have ot move to Canada for the first one I looked at too.

I'll chill. Enter some writing contest I found. Seems pretty fun. And the winner gets $500. But I'm not to into it for the money. I think I might jsut try and write it out and stuff. Get out there. Enter cheesy contests for money.

So keep rocking the free world

Coming up: A youtube video I immensly enjoy.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

BREAKING DAWN IS HORRIBLE. Waste of my money or well my mom's. I need a library card. xP

Anyway, if you ever get your books/stories/novels published , I will be the first to buy it! Haha

But yeah, best of luck for the contests!