Saturday, February 28, 2009

"I Miss You" Jamestown Story


This is going well, possibly going on Fanfiction

Rainie's POV

I woke up to Jessicah shaking me. When I looekd at her, realizing I was here, she smiled. "Hey," She said. "You look awful."

"Stop it." I said.

"Garrett wanted me to wake up Aunti Rainie." She said. "You know," She stepped back looking at me. "I enjoy this a little. Knowing that you're finally living out your twenties with a certain grace I had in high school. Where did you meet this guy?"

I sat up rubbing my eyes. My hair was pulled back and my lack of make-up and now greasy hair wasn't doing me any justice. I needed a shower. "I'm sorry, I had no place to go."

"Who was it, Rainie?" She said louder. "Come on I'm dying here."

I got up and ran my fingers through my ponytail. "Paul," I said.

She froze. "Spinella?" She asked. "Paul Spinella?"

I nodded. Feeling dirty all over me. I needed to shower so badly. "I'll go," I said. "I'm not feeling well."

She was shocked. "Does this mean...?" She started smiling.

I shook my head. "No," I said. "It was just a one night stand."

And I kept walking. Going back home where the kids were all at school and my parents were working. I showered. Washing his smell off of me and being 17.

Bennett POV

I was eating cereal. We usually jsut eat pizza on the road and drink beer and Red Bull. It was good having soggy pieces of flour and sugar. Jonah came in. Looking behind him like he's seen ghosts. "Dude..." He pointed. "Paul's showering."

"Yeah?" I said.

"He showered yesterday too." He said. "Ah man," He smiled getting amusement out of this. "What if he-"

Elisa walked in. "Shut up Jonah." She said. "You have tohse every night."

I laughed. Jonah looked at me like I should stick up for him. "Hey," I said pointing my spoon towards the kitchen where Elisa was. "She's my girlfriend."

He sighed and sat down on the couch with me. In a few minutes Paul walked out. Just wearinf a pair of jeans and walking into his room. "Hey!" Jonah said leaning over the side of the couch looking at him. "Fun night last night?"

Paul turned around. He pressed a towel to his hair. "What-" He looked off. "Oh, uh, yeah. I guess." He went back into his room.

Elisa came out of the kitchen. "See you," She said. "I have to go help Sean today."

"Aw, come on." I said. "You said you didn't have to work today."

She pulled a sweatshirt on. "I'll be back before three I promise." She said. She came over and kissed me.

"Hey," Jonah said to her. He pointed to his cheek. She kissed his cheek.

"Stop making my girlfriend kiss your cheek." I said jabbing my spoon at him.

"You aren't married yet, techinally she's still fair game."

Elisa laughed. "Bye," She said waving.

"See you," I said.

"Elisa," Jonah said dropping his head back so he was lookign at her upside down. "I love you."

She shook her head smiling. "I love you too."

And she left. I smiled looking down at my cereal. Eating some more. There was something about seeing her for more than one night. Usually we play a show ocme back here and I spend the night. By now I'd be gone. But here I was for a month.

A month of mornings like this. Where we were both here. And it was finally home to both of us. I got up with my now bowl of milk and put it in the sink. Jonah changed the channel.

I walked down the hall. Hearing Paul playing Oasis. Something I hadn't heard in a while. I stuck my head into his room he was jsut walking away from his record player. "Vinyl?" I asked. "Wow, I haven't seen you play one in a while."

He nodded. "I know," He said. "you were right though, everything sounds better on vinyl."

I nodded. "I know."

He smiled a little. Sometihng was wrong.

"Did you talk to Rainie last night?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, a little." He said. "Do you have some of her writing?" He turned lookign at me.

"Didn't you have some of her books?" I asked.

"Yeah, but her recent stuff." He said.

I nodded. "Yeah," I said. "Do you want them?"

"Yeah," He said.

"Did she tell you about it some of her new works?" I asked.

"A little," He said. "I'm just curious, you know. I mean we haven't talked in so long. And I think we're not going to talk much at all. I mean, after everything."

I paused. He started to turn. "Why did you break up with her?" He turned ore suddenly. "If you want to talk about it I mean."

He paused. Looking at the floor. "I didn't want to hold her back." He said, his voice was full of pain.

"You wouldn't have," I said.

"But I was." He said. "She was ready to give up her whole life for me."

"So," I said. "You've given a lot for her."

He shook his head. "She was giving up her life. Giving up everything for me. I'm not good enoguh to get all of that." He kept going. His voice gettign louder. Almost angry. But it didn't get too loud. It was still normal. "She would have ended up..." His voice trailed off.

"Like Elisa?" I finished.


"I am worried about Elisa." I said crossing my arms. "But I can't lose her. I can't live without her, and I don't know what I would do if I came home and she wasn't here."

He looked at me. "You'd end up like me." He said. And he turned away and started doing whatever he was again.

I turned and went back to mine and Elisa's room. I sat down and suddenly I thought of something. It was stupid and crazy. But there was no evidence.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

I am so killing Raine. You lock her up for me 'kay?

AND WHAT IS BENNETT THINKING ABOUT? He ain't gonna break up with her? I hope not. God, I hope not.

But. I'm thinking that he's thinking about proposing to Elisa. EEEE.

I hope so.

No breakup. Yes a shiny ring!