Monday, February 23, 2009

"Paper Covers Rock" Visions of Cody


Was reading my old notes for some inspiration. My FanFic is usted and won't let me log in and when I do it won't let me update. But I found a funny little thing.

The thing I posted of my first notes of "The Last Place You Look" wasn't really the first. It was early stuff but it's so off. I knew he wasn't always Bennett. So picture this... Adam with spikey crazy hair in love with Ellie who seems to have no personality or qualities of her own.

So funny. Laughing for hours. Not Really. But man all I can picture is this crazy purple haired punk rocker especially how I portrayed "Adam" and I even know the picture I was trying to recreate in my writing. Oh god.

Miss you already


never-explore said...

Aww, I been waiting for those updates! (Possible for you to post them on here? Hehe just kidding.)

But lmao, I love how you look back at old writing and go, "HOLY CRAP, I WROTE THAT?"

I usually go, "Lol. I drew that? I failed back then."

I still fail now, but my 6th grade stuff are really bad. xD

Anyway, I bet you think I'm some deranged fan with me commenting on ever blog post that you're posting. But all your blog posts are really good and well ... I dunno. But like, I like them. Makes me think. ^^

... Do you even read my comments? xD

Jasey Ray said...

yes i do :)

never-explore said...

I feel happy now. ^^