Thursday, February 26, 2009

Quiz[illa] Results

I've been thinking about my roots for both Kerrington based stories and how they are so tied into Fast Times at Barrington High and how badly I need to change Bennett and everything that thinking back and telling my sister about both of my stories, I've realized that I have a kit of changing to do.
I think I based these stories too much on one source. And I'm spreading that out more. I've changed Paul a little. not a lot but he seems less like I may have projected him to be like a big old muscular body builder freak. He's not. Rereading it that was my top priority. And also I realized that I may have unintentionally formed a fictional Academy Is... band. Which is badass and probably only something I will recognize.
Although.... if these books do get published.... maybe they'll be my ticket to meeting them. That's a good idea. Letting people know she loved William Beckett helped Demi Lavato meet William Beckett....
I see a great plan unfolding. But I'll get to work making this so I can actually think of publishing these stories. I'll be looking up some more publishing companies. I've got one already that I like and expect to be shut down by.
And somehow I'm excited out of my mind for failure like that. It means I'm going somewhere.

1 comment:

never-explore said...

I loved the orginal Paul & Bennett. xD

But I never knew Demi even listens to that type of music.

I should stop judging people that are on Disney Channel.